Tagged: wedding photos

Katie and Jerry – First Look

This post is the first is a two-part series for Katie and Jerry’s wedding in Fairfield, Ohio. Today we are featuring the first look photos. Later will come a post detailing their entire wedding.

Simply put, Katie and Jerry are like family. They were referred to me by close friends and former clients. We share much in common and hit it off right from the start. They had requested to do a First Look before the wedding ceremony, which is one of my favorite things. To make the First Look special, I spent a couple weeks building the perfect plan. I don’t live near Fairfield, so I had to do all the planning over the internet. Using Google Maps, I scoured the area for someplace suitable. I finally settled on Walnut Creek Stables. Walnut Creek is a horse farm and I knew the mix of stables, barns, and open pastures would be the perfect setting. Of course the location was made more perfect by the antique Ford Model-A that Jerry had hired. This most amazing conveyance is from the time when horsepower replaced horses.

There is really nothing more needed to setup the photos below. We simply stood back and waited for Katie to arrive. The rest unfolded perfectly on it’s own. To put a great finish on the First Look photos, we also captured their bridal portraits at the same time. Below are just a few of my favorites from a very large set –

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

I love the curious horses. As soon as we arrived, they all stuck their heads out to see what was happening.

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

The above is one of my favorites not because it’s a stunning photo, but because of the emotion of the moment.

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Jerry was very wise to select a tailor-made tuxedo for the wedding day. It fit him perfectly and was so much better than a rental.

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

That’s all for today. Definitely keep an eye out for the second part, which should be posted in just a couple days. If you are considering a First Look for your wedding day, I say go for it. They are simply amazing for more reasons than just the photography. However, the photos always turn out great as well!


Holly & Brian – Kirtland Wedding at Holden Arboretum

“Over there, under the willow tree” said Holly, as we were standing in the rain. With that simple instruction, I could see her vision with crystal clarity. We were location scouting at Holden Arboretum for Holly and Brian’s wedding in Kirtland. There are a million great locations to choose from at Holden, but it had to be this willow tree.

It just rolls off the tongue – “We kissed, under the willow tree” or “He said,’I love you’, under the willow tree” or “We sat and watched the stars, under the willow tree.”

“Perfect” for Brian and Holly was found “under the willow tree.” When their June wedding day finally arrived, the heavy spring rains had just passed. The gardens were fresh and in early summer bloom.

Most meaningful for me was the warmth that flowed from Holly, Brian and their families. I could feel their welcome and kindness the entire time I was working with them. At one point, Holly’s mother could see I was a little anxious. With just a couple kind words, she permanently changed the way I work. Somehow, in that moment, I found a “photography zen” that sticks with me to this day.

Below are some of my favorites from their wedding day. I have become personally attached to Holly and Brian’s images and I had a tough time choosing among them. So, there are more below than usual –

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland


Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Yes those are leopard-print shoes, and they were smashing!

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

“Keep Calm and Carry On” sees like as good a mantra as any.

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly’s sister, in her fine pink dress, was as much a joy to work with as Holly herself.

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

The Willow Tree (I thought it deserved capital letters). It’s positioned on a small peninsula gutting out into a large pond. The branches descend from the canopy and nearly touch the water, and the leaves are a marvelous teal-green. Underneath rests a bench, with Holly and Brian.

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

After the arboretum, we headed over to Lantern Court for the wedding reception. Lantern Court is an old mansion attached to the Holden property. Much like the gardens, Latern Court is like a little dream world. The wine was furnished by Holly’s dad and is homemade.

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly used bud vases and a selection of flowers to help guests find their tables. As intended, all the guest took their flowers home.

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

No wedding is complete without shots of Jack Daniels…WAIT, what?

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian’s wedding cake featured a vintage cake-topper that was used on Holly’s parents wedding cake.

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

For their first dance, Brian secretly wrote and recorded a song just for Holly. Far from cheesy, it was down-right amazing!

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

At dusk, the Lantern Court staff lit luminaries lining the drive just for Holly and Brian. As they took an evening stroll alone, I snapped just a few pictures. I’m told the wedding reception ended with non-stop dancing.

Brooke and I are really looking forward to our next dinner with Holly and Brian. At the last one, we got a chance to compare our notes from mutual, but separate, vacations to Napa. Now we just need to find a suitable restaurant.

Jamie & Ethan – Cleveland wedding

Note for friends and family – the full gallery of images is available!

Have you ever had a day where everything seems to go your way? I had one not too long ago. Ethan and Jamie were recommended to me by a fellow photographer. That was a good start. Then the Ethan and Jamie hired me to photograph their Cleveland wedding. OK, getting better. Then they gave me complete creative freedom! I nearly had a creative orgasm on the spot.

You might remember that Ethan and Jamie are a creative couple. After all, they created an amazing wedding announcement. Not only that, they are both have a sense for photography and knew what they wanted. Lastly, they really liked my native style and gave me freedom in my work.

So what did I do? First, I incorporated Polaroids in the form of a 1970’s SX-70 instant camera (more on the Polaroids in a future post). Next, I bought new lenses for my digital system so I could create the look I had in mind. Finally, I worked hard to push my creative style in new directions.

I have said it before and I will say it again – I LOVE my clients! Here are some early results –

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

This next photograph is one of my all time favorites. I think it might make the cut for the wedding portfolio –
Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Great idea – serve a midnight snack at your wedding reception. Jenny’s Ice Cream is a great choice.

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

As always, big thanks to Michael Kalbo for great second photographer work.

That is all for now. As I mentioned, another post is coming that will have the Polaroids from the wedding. It is definitely worth checking back for those.

{Update – polaroid post is here}

P.S. – Ethan’s brother, Jeremiah, kept me in stitches all day

P.P.S. – Jamie and Ethan, have a great honeymoon in Kenya (lucky!)

P.P.P.S. – Last one. Did I mention we’re having a BBQ and y’all are invited?

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